Common Pitfalls to Avoid When Hiring Movers

Common Pitfalls to Avoid When Hiring Movers

A smooth move saves you time, money, and headaches.

Hello, they say that failing to plan is as good as planning to fail. On move day, there are way too many things that can go wrong. Hence, planning eliminates as many variables as possible and ensures that you have a plan should things get off track.

Let’s take a look at some common pitfalls that may end up costing you dearly while making a move.

Failing to Get an Estimate in Writing

Regardless of the size of your move, it’s important to have your quote in writing. Your mover may provide you with a fantastic quote over the phone – but if you can’t reproduce it, then it’s just a number. Make sure that the quote includes all of the items and services included in that price – and perhaps lay out the terms for any services not included.

Getting an Accurate Inventory

Ensuring a successful move requires a bilateral effort on behalf of the mover and the customer. Hence, you should be giving the movers an accurate inventory of the items that you would like moved. Also, the movers can help you out in this area.

Modern technology allows them to prepare estimates rapidly based off of information collected during a simple phone call. Additionally, the company may send out a representative to complete an on-site survey and provide a visual estimate. Regardless of the route you choose, be sure to provide the company with an honest and accurate of inventory so that they can provide accurate quotes.

Basing Your Decision on Low Prices Alone

The desire to save a few bucks is very understandable. However, price shopping works much better when you’re purchasing an identical product listed at different stores. Shopping for services is a little bit different – especially when this service involves moving some of your most valuable possessions.

The phrase ‘you get what you pay for’ often rings true in moving services. Many experienced and well-equipped movers charge a bit more for the quality of service they offer. Also, some movers entice their customers with cheap quotes and then tack on hidden fees. Ultimately, the customer could end up spending more on what was supposed to be the lowest bid. It’s better to save a few headaches than it is to save a few dollars.

Failing to Inquire About Additional Fees

Building upon our previous point, customers should be asking the mover about the additional fees they charge. Some movers fail to notify the customer about certain charges unless they explicitly ask. This isn’t the greatest business practice – but it happens. Hence, it’s best to be prepared and proactively ask them.

Not Putting a Deposit Down

We’re not advocating that you pay off your move in full before the moving date, but a deposit helps you secure your date. When the movers collect a deposit, they generally assign a team and a truck to your desired date.

Companies that don’t collect deposits tend to overbook themselves, assuming that some jobs will cancel. Hence, you don’t want to run the risk of allowing them to overbook themselves and miss your move date. Put a deposit down and secure your spot.