Complete Guide to Moving Home when Pregnant

Moving home can be a daunting experience, especially for pregnant women. With all the physical, mental, and emotional changes that come with pregnancy, the thought of moving can be overwhelming. However, with proper planning and preparation, moving home when pregnant can be a stress-free experience.

In this comprehensive guide, the Taha Removals team will provide you with tips and advice on how to plan and execute a move whilst pregnant. We will cover everything from choosing the right removal company in London to settling into your new home. So, whether you’re moving across town or to a new city, we’ve got you covered.

Before we dive into the details, it’s important to acknowledge the potential risks and challenges that come with moving whilst pregnant. Pregnancy can make you more susceptible to fatigue, stress, and injury. Therefore, it’s important to take extra precautions when planning and executing a move.

Planning Your Move during Pregnancy

Planning a move whilst pregnant can be a daunting task, but with the right preparation and support, it can be a stress-free experience. Here are some pregnancy-friendly moving tips to help you prepare:

Give Yourself Enough Time

Start planning your move as early as possible to avoid any last-minute stress or complications. You may need to take breaks more frequently, so give yourself enough time to pack and organise everything.

Get Professional Help

Hiring professional movers can make the moving process smoother and reduce the risk of injuries. Look for companies that are experienced in handling moves during pregnancy and ensure they have proper insurance coverage.

Delegating Tasks

Delegate tasks to family members and friends to reduce your workload. Ask for help with packing, cleaning, and other tasks that may be difficult to do whilst pregnant.

By following these planning tips, you’ll be able to minimise stress and ensure that your move is as safe and comfortable as possible.

Preparing Your Home for the Move

Preparing your home for a move during pregnancy is a crucial part of making the move as stress-free and safe as possible. Here are some tips to help you prepare:


When packing your belongings, it’s important to take extra care to avoid unnecessary strain on your body. Try to pack in small increments and take frequent breaks to rest and stretch. Ask for help from friends or family if possible, or consider hiring professional packers to assist you.

Label your boxes carefully and designate a specific area for packed boxes to keep your home organised and safe.


Decluttering before a move can be a great way to reduce the amount of items you need to pack and make the move more streamlined. However, it’s important to avoid heavy lifting and strenuous activities like lifting furniture. Instead, focus on smaller items and ask for help with bigger items.


Keeping your home clean and tidy during a move can be a challenge, but it’s important to maintain a healthy living environment for you and your unborn baby. Consider hiring professional cleaners to take care of the heavy cleaning, or ask for help from friends or family.

Creating a Safe and Comfortable Environment

During the move, it’s important to create a safe and comfortable environment for yourself and your unborn baby. Make sure you have plenty of snacks and water on hand, and take frequent breaks to rest and stretch. Wear comfortable clothing and shoes, and avoid lifting heavy objects.

Consider setting up a designated rest area where you can relax and take breaks as needed. Make sure this area is free from clutter and other hazards, and keep it stocked with pillows and blankets to help you stay comfortable.

Choosing the Right Removal Company

Moving house during pregnancy can be a challenging experience, and choosing the right removal company is an important step in ensuring a safe and stress-free move. Here are some tips for selecting the right removal company for your pregnancy-friendly move.

Research potential companies

Before you hire a removal company, research potential candidates online. Look for reviews from previous customers, especially those who moved during pregnancy, to get an idea of their experiences. You can also ask friends or family members for recommendations.

Vet your shortlist

Once you have a shortlist of potential companies, vet them carefully. Check their credentials, insurance, and licences, and make sure that they have experience with pregnancy-friendly moves. You should also confirm that their schedule and availability align with your preferred move date.

Get detailed quotes

Contact your shortlisted removal companies and request detailed quotes. Compare their pricing, services, and guarantees to ensure you’re getting a fair and transparent deal. Look for hidden costs, such as additional fees for packing or unloading, and be sure to ask any questions you may have about the quote.

Ask about pregnancy-friendly services

During your vetting process, be sure to ask potential removal companies about any pregnancy-friendly services they offer. Some removal companies may have experience with helping pregnant women move, such as offering additional support or providing pregnancy-specific packing and unloading services.

Check their health and safety policies

When considering a removal company, check their health and safety policies to ensure that they have appropriate measures in place to protect you and your unborn baby during the move. Ask if their staff are trained in pregnancy-specific health and safety procedures, and if they provide any additional protective measures, such as face masks or gloves.

Communicate your needs

Finally, when you have chosen a removal company, communicate your needs and preferences clearly. Let them know that you are pregnant and any particular concerns you may have, such as the need for additional support or frequent breaks during the move. This will help them to provide a tailored and safe service that meets your needs.

Packing Your Belongings

Packing your belongings can be a daunting task, particularly when you’re pregnant. However, with the right approach, it doesn’t have to be stressful. Here are some tips to help you pack efficiently and safely:

Pack Early

It’s important to start packing as early as possible when you’re pregnant. This will give you plenty of time to organise your belongings and ensure that you don’t overexert yourself. Try packing a few boxes each day, taking regular breaks to rest and stay hydrated.

Label Boxes Carefully

Make sure you label each box carefully with its contents and the room it belongs in. This will make unpacking much easier once you’re in your new home. Consider using colour-coded labels for each room to make it even easier to identify boxes quickly.

Declutter Before You Pack

Before you start packing, take some time to declutter. This will make the packing process quicker and easier, as you’ll have fewer items to move. It will also free up space in your new home and help you feel more organised.

Consider Hiring Professional Packers

If you don’t feel up to packing yourself, consider hiring professional packers. They’ll be able to pack your belongings safely and efficiently, taking the stress off you.

Avoid Lifting Heavy Items

As a general rule, avoid lifting heavy items when you’re pregnant. Instead, ask for help from friends or family, or consider hiring a removals company who can do the heavy lifting for you.

Keep Essential Items Separate

Finally, make sure you keep essential items separate and easily accessible during the move. This might include medication, snacks, water, and anything else you might need during the journey. Pack these items into a separate bag or box and keep them with you at all times.

Moving Day

Moving day can be both exciting and stressful, especially when you are pregnant. However, with the right preparation, you can make the moving process as smooth as possible. Here are some tips to help you stay calm and comfortable on moving day.

Get plenty of rest the night before

Moving can be physically and emotionally draining, especially when you are pregnant. Make sure you get plenty of rest the night before to keep your energy levels up.

Keep a bag of essentials with you

Pack a bag of essential items such as medications, snacks, water, phone charger and a change of clothes. This will help you stay comfortable throughout the day and ensure that you have everything you need in case of an emergency.

Stay hydrated and well-fed

It’s important to stay hydrated and well-fed throughout the day to keep your energy levels up. Make sure you have plenty of water and healthy snacks such as fruit and nuts.

Take breaks

Moving can be a physically demanding activity, so make sure you take regular breaks to rest and stretch. This will help prevent fatigue and muscle strain.

Ask for help

Don’t be afraid to ask for help from friends or family members on moving day. They can help you lift and carry heavy items, take care of any last-minute tasks, and provide emotional support.

Consider hiring professional help

If you are worried about the physical demands of moving whilst pregnant, consider hiring a reputable removal company to do the heavy lifting for you. This will help reduce the risk of injury and make the moving process less stressful.

Listen to your body

Pregnancy can be unpredictable, and it’s important to listen to your body and take a break if you start feeling unwell. Don’t be afraid to ask for medical help if you experience any symptoms such as cramping, bleeding or contractions.

Settling into your New Home

Settling into a new home can be challenging, especially when you’re pregnant. Here are some tips to help you make the transition as smooth as possible:

Create a Comfortable Space

Decorating your new home can be fun, but it’s important to focus on creating a comfortable space for you and your unborn baby. Start by prioritising the essentials, such as a comfortable bed and a nursing chair. Consider investing in blackout curtains to help you get a good night’s sleep and a baby monitor for peace of mind.

Unpack Efficiently

Unpacking can feel overwhelming, but taking it one room at a time can make the process more manageable. Start with the essentials and work your way through each room, unpacking and organising as you go. Don’t be afraid to ask for help from friends and family if you need it.

Stay Active

It’s important to stay active during your pregnancy, even when moving house. Take regular breaks from unpacking and go for a walk outside. This can help alleviate stress and prevent fatigue.

Organise your Belongings

Organising your new home can be a therapeutic process, but make sure you don’t overdo it. Plan your space carefully, and consider purchasing storage solutions to keep your belongings organised. It’s also helpful to label boxes clearly, so you can easily find what you need when unpacking.

With these tips, you can settle into your new home with ease, ensuring a safe and comfortable environment for you and your unborn baby.

Moving Home When Pregnant FAQs:

If you are pregnant and planning to move home, you may have a lot of questions about the process. Here are some answers to common questions:

When is the best time to move home during pregnancy?

The best time to move home during pregnancy is during the second trimester. This is typically when you will have the most energy and feel most comfortable. However, it’s important to speak to your doctor before making any decisions about moving whilst pregnant.

How can I manage stress during the move?

There are several things you can do to manage stress during a move whilst pregnant. It’s important to give yourself plenty of time to plan and organise the move, and to delegate tasks to family and friends. Make sure to take breaks often and get enough rest, and to practise relaxation techniques such as deep breathing exercises.

What should I do if I experience pregnancy-related symptoms during the move?

If you experience any pregnancy-related symptoms during the move, it’s important to speak to your doctor right away. Take breaks often, stay hydrated, and make sure to listen to your body and rest when you need to.

How can I ensure a safe and stress-free move whilst pregnant?

To ensure a safe and stress-free move whilst pregnant, it’s important to plan and prepare carefully. Hire a reputable removal company, delegate tasks to others, and create a comfortable and safe environment for yourself during the move. Give yourself plenty of time to pack and unpack, and take breaks often to rest and recharge.

What should I do if I experience complications during the move?

If you experience any complications during the move, it’s important to speak to your doctor right away. Make sure to have all of your medical records on hand, and to take breaks often to rest and stay hydrated. If necessary, make arrangements to have medical care available during the move.